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Svensson Product App - A simple way to a better climate

Locate the best climate screen solutions for you or your customers all while on the go! Find, filter and favorite your way through all our different climate screens and easily navigate to the solution you're looking for.

Introducing Svensson's New Product App, designed with you in mind, the app offers instant access to our full range of climate screens. Explore products both at a glance and in detail from anywhere, at any time!

Locate the best climate screen solutions for you or your customers all while on the go! Find, filter and favorite your way through all our different climate screens and easily navigate to the solution you're looking for.

Everything is possible in the new App from Svensson as full details and technical product data is now just a few clicks away, guiding you to hundreds of possibilities tailored to your needs. The user-friendly app allows you to select products by family, filter according to application, or use the search function to make a targeted screen selection

To keep all of our products and up-to-date product information in your back pocket download the Svennson Product App from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Available in seven languages, get started using the app in any of the following languages:

  • Chinese
  • Dutch
  • English
  • German
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Download the free Svensson Product Range App from App Store or Google Play today

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Save your favorites for fast access. 
Detailed information is just a click away.

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