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Agroparque El Taray finds an innovative solution for pest control in their pepper production

In Tamazula de Gordiano, Jalisco, a region known for its agricultural tradition, lies Agroparque El Taray, a family-owned company with 16 years of experience dedicated to greenhouse pepper production. The project began with 6 hectares and, over the years, they gradually expanded their area to the 30 hectares they now operate.

El Taray specializes in the production of peppers in three colors (red, yellow, and green), and one of their main challenges has been the presence of thrips, a pest that affects crop quality. More than three years ago, thanks to the implementation of Svensson's Xsect insect control nets, they have been able to optimize their production and significantly reduce losses.​

Thrips control: The biggest challenge for El Taray

Recently, we visited El Taray's facilities, where Guillermo Iñiguez, General Manager, shared with us his experience with the Xsect nets and explained how they have been key in controlling thrips, allowing them to better protect their crops and optimize production.

"The main problem we have faced in El Taray's history has been thrips," Guillermo commented. "These insects are so small that they can pass through nets, and they also carry viruses that damage the plants. Once a plant is infected, the peppers show small colored spots, making them commercially unusable, which leads to significant losses, with up to 30-40% of the plants lost by the end of a cycle."

The problem reached such a magnitude that Guillermo decided to contact Svensson. "I had been told that they had an anti-thrips net with smaller holes, making it more difficult for thrips to enter. This would give us the necessary time to carry out fumigations and keep the pest under control,” he added.

The implementation of X-air nets for pest control

With the guidance of Alejandro Medina, Technical Consultant at Svensson, they decided to install the first trials of X-air nets in the El Taray greenhouses four years ago, starting with 4 hectares in El Taray 1, the area historically with the highest incidence of thrips. Later, they expanded the installation to El Taray 2, and just a few months ago, they implemented the nets in El Taray 3.

"Now we have a better control over thrips, considering that before, by the end of a cycle, losses were between 25% and 40%. However, in recent years, we have only lost between 5% and 8% of the plants, which represents a significant improvement." -- Guillermo Iñiguez, General Manager, Agroparque El Taray.
Guillermo Iñiguez, General Manager at Agroparque El Taray & Alejandro Medina, Technical Consultant at Svensson

Guillermo Iñiguez, General Manager at Agroparque El Taray & Alejandro Medina, Technical Consultant at Svensson

To monitor the situation, El Taray’s plant health department conducts inspections twice a week, counting the number of thrips per flower. This monitoring has revealed a reduction in pest populations and, therefore, a lower incidence of viruses. Thanks to the X-air nets, it is more difficult for insects to enter the greenhouse, allowing for more effective control during applications and reducing the number of thrips with just two applications. "In some cycles, we used to lose up to 40%, so pest control has improved significantly," Guillermo commented.

As for airflow, although there were initial concerns about whether the nets might affect ventilation in the greenhouse, Guillermo mentioned that he hasn't noticed any significant differences. "The plants are working well, and I haven't seen any problems with ventilation," he said. In addition, the use of Solarwoven, sewn into the net, has provided greater airtightness in the greenhouses, which has been especially beneficial in preventing water from entering during the rainy season.

Efficient solutions for pepper crops

​Following our visit, Guillermo shared the following advice for other growers: 

"My advice would be to invest. I was slow to do it because I thought it was expensive, but what's more expensive is not having the plants at 100%. The losses in production and plants are what's truly costly. In the end, the investment in Xsect nets pays for itself through the benefits the production."

When we asked Guillermo how long it took to recover the investment, he replied: 

"In the same year. Products like Svensson’s nets that really work should not be spared, because in the end, they pay for themselves with production. It has been a good investment."

Guillermo also highlighted the excellent relationship they’ve had with Svensson over the past few years. "With Svensson, we’ve always found a way to get through any challenges. Now we've bought more, with the intention of continuing to work together. That kind of commitment is not something you find with every company."

We thank El Taray for their trust in us, and we look forward to continuing our close collaboration in the future.

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