A product's ability to absorb sound determines its sound absorption coefficient. This could be anywhere from 0.0 which means non-existent absorption to 1.0 which is total absorption. The result itself is called the alpha value and is abbreviated to ‘a’. If it says ‘ap’ it means ‘practical alpha’ which means it’s linked to a specific frequency while ‘aw’ means ‘weighted alpha’ which means independent of frequency. The alpha value in turn determines which absorption class a product belongs to. If the product has aw 0.9, it absorbs 90% of the sound and belongs to class A. If the alpha value is below 0.15, it absorbs too little to be soundproof-classed at all. In between are the classifications B, C, D, and E.

Other sound absorption coefficients
- Concrete: 0,03 (3%)
- Glass: 0,05 (5%)
- Standard curtains: 0,10–0,15 (10–15%)
- Soft flooring: 0,15–0,25 (15–25%)
- Sound absorbing tiles: 0,75–0,85 (75–85%)

Basic training in sound
A few moments of reading matter about what sound is, how it occurs and how it behaves. For example, why do we hear the bass from the meeting room next door but not the voices?

A little collection of the most important words from the world of sound. If you understand these, you can discuss sound, even with seasoned sound experts.

Acoustic textiles
The benefits of acoustic textiles, tips on how to use them, and reasons why good sound conditions are important.

Soundproof classification
Which soundproofing class does the textile belong to? And what does that actually mean?
In this section, we’ll explain how the ABC scale works.

Construction and testing
For the textile to be sound-absorbent, it needs friction between the sound waves and the textile. How well we manage to do this is tested by Müller-BBM in Munich.

Test the acoustic lab
If you want to experience the qualities of the textiles in person, you are very welcome at our function room. It’s right by the head office and the factory in Kinna.

Our soundproofing-classified textiles
The soundproofing-classified textiles from Svensson are designed for environments where design and function are crucial. The absorption classes range from A to E, where A is the best.

Acoustic simulation tool
We have a history of offering sound-absorbing textiles. To help you understand the value in technical interior textiles and not only provide the technical textiles, we now provide the technical knowledge and support to match it.