



使用 Harmony 3845 幕布为阿尔梅里亚的辣椒种植创造最佳气候

西班牙的阿尔梅里亚地区以现代农业先驱和大面积温室而闻名,我们找到了种植者Enrique Peña,他决定通过斯文森的气候解决方案来应对辣椒种植的挑战。

Kwekerij Bergcamp 使用 PARperfect 创造均匀稳定的光照水平

Robert 和 Walter van den Berg 从事盆栽植物种植,他们最近投入全力建造了一座 4.3 公顷的温室。因此,兄弟俩致力于营造最好的种植系统,选择了斯文森的 PARperfect 幕布解决方案。

与Gretchen Schimelpfenig 对话

Gretchen Schmelpfenig身兼数职,她参与运营康奈尔大学温室照明和控制方面的 GLASE 联盟,她与温室业主合作开展能源项目并获取返利和补助金,她在绿色行业会议上发表了演讲,她还在希尔德加德弦乐四重奏中担任首席小提琴手。她每周的工作时间似乎比我们许多人一个月的时间还要多。她来自Vermont州森林深处的家庭,成功地将工程师的乐观精神与减少园艺对气候影响的重大使命结合起来。

Predict acoustics with Svensson's tool

Predict acoustics with Svensson's tool

By considering acoustics as an integral part of the design process, we can create spaces where sound and design work together harmoniously. Our new digital acoustic tool is designed to help you anticipate how your choice of materials and textiles will affect a room's acoustics, and thereby enhance the overall experience of your vision from the early stages of your project.


Svensson's textile news 2024

Autumn news 2024

This autumn's launch draws inspiration from nature, light and the interplay between stillness and movement. The two boldly patterned textiles, Arcade and Flora, play with organic expressions, while Interact is updated in both colour palette and a new width of 300cm. A sustainable addition is also the Lane upholstery fabric in 100% wool. 

Zandra Ernebro and Lene Cathrine Karlsen

New sales representatives

We welcome our new representatives Zandra and Lene Cathrine to our sales team. Zandra will focus on Gothenburg and western Sweden, while Lene Cathrine will be based in Oslo.

