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Velvet – the magical world of patterns

With its satiny smooth finish, the upholstery concept Velvet is one of our most hotly anticipated new products. The textile is available in four different patterns, all of which are perfect for decorating and creating additional space in the public venues of the future.

The repetitive patterns of Velvet—Mira, Pocket, Kit and Unit—have been designed by textile designer Eva Larsson to fit any and all types of rooms. The fabric's primary skill lies in making the décor more interesting. How do you ask? By dressing different workplace chairs in different patterns, accentuating the restaurant bar stools in a particular colour or letting the satiny finish breathe new life into the hotel lounge.

Bewitching patterns

When coming up with the new pattern concept, Eva drew inspiration from looking at her surroundings from a distance. "I've long felt that ordinary things make beautiful patterns through repetition. The trick is to not stand too close! The Pocket pattern is a direct translation of the view of my bookcase, whereas Kit reminds me of the shelves in the grocery store," Eva explains.

Sustainable properties

Velvet is woven from Trevira CS. Trevira CS is a durable material that is both flame-retardant and machine washable, something that may be hard to believe when you first lay eyes on its soft and tactile surface. These qualities are however what makes Velvet the perfect choice for furniture subject to lots of wear and tear. It's the ultimate textile for any public space seeking to achieve a contemporary, warm yet durable design.

Velvet is available in as many as 30 different colour combinations based on the textile concept's four patterns. The colour palette is based on beautiful pastel colours that enhance the elegant satiny finish of the fabric.

Dare to look closer

"Velvet is at its very best when dressed carefully and painstakingly. The patterns shouldn't be cut, but rather matched in a proper manner. By combining different Velvet patterns, you can easily take the space to the next level."
