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We at Svensson care about keeping it local. Our textiles are produced and manufactured at the very same place in Kinna as when we started, and nowadays we can also grow nutritious vegetables - just around the corner from where we work. 


The purpose of Svensson's own greenhouses is to be able to carry out our own product evaluations within our business area for climate screens. This means that we do not have to send as much fabric for testing in other countries - and that the energy we save on transport contributes to our environmental goals.

With the greenhouse, we also want to focus on people. It should be a place where we can meet, socialize and gather new energy. To take advantage of this living environment, there is a cultivation club at the workplace that plants, cares for and harvests the vegetables that are grown there.

The greenhouse's interior and exterior decor has been developed in collaboration with the architectural firm White Arkitekter, which has created a pleasant oasis right in the middle of green leaves and red tomatoes. We are proud to work together with a partner who, like us, has a sustainable approach to design.

Feel free to take a look next time you visit us in Kinna!

