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And the winner is...Connected Screening by Svensson & Hoogendoorn

We are proud to announce that “Connected Screening” has been selected as the winner of the GreenTech Online Community Award 2016!

Today the winner of the first “GreenTech Online Community Award” was presented. People within the horticulture industry was given the opportunity to vote online for their favorite innovation amongst fifteen nominated candidates. This award gives the horticulture industry a voice and enables professionals to place a spotlight on their favorite innovation. In the toughest of competition with 46% of the votes the innovative “Connected Screening” won the award. Thank you all for voting!

Earlier this week, “Connected Screening” – a unique cooperation between Svensson and Hoogendoorn, was launched at the GreenTech exhibition in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This is a module connecting the advanced software of the Hoogendoorn iSii computer with the range of Svensson climate screens to allow full control over humidity transfer, light transmission and energy savings.

This will provide growers with a deeper knowledge about their greenhouse climate which will result in healthier crops and higher yields with less energy consumption.

Want to discuss your perfect
climate solution? 
